It’s Radiation Safety Refresher Training Time!

DRS Refresher Training Launch

​Over 1200 staff recently received an email from Cathy Ribaudo, NIH Radiation Safety Officer, announcing the launch of the 2022 General Radiation Safety Refresher Training.  Yes, it's that time again.  For many of you, the last time you were tapped for Refresher training was in 2018…and for some of you (those who are in user categories where annual refresher is prescribed), it was as recent as late 2021. 

General Refresher training is meant for the bench researcher: those radiation workers who handle open-source radioactive material.  Your handling could be in the form of source vials, downstream aliquots of radiolabeled products, or research animals into which radioactive material has been injected.  The topics covered in the Refresher training module include:

  • Receiving radioactive material packages
  • Reminders for daily lab contamination surveys
  • Placing your posted lab into “Dormant" status
  • Dosimetry exchange requirements
  • Supporting Division of Radiation Safety during annual inventory audits
  • Resources for further DRS training content

Though periodic Refresher training is mandatory, DRS does try to make it entertaining! This year's training is comprised of a 10-minute animated video in which you may recognize some friendly faces.  Don't wait til the last minute to check out the buzz!  The deadline for Refresher training completion is June 30, 2022. 

Don't want to dig up the email from Cathy? Check it out here:

Reminder, please use the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, or Edge (if using Windows) or Firefox, Safari, or Chrome (if using a Mac). You need to be on the NIH network in order to access this training.


On December 5, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security announced an extension of the REAL ID full enforcement deadline to May 7, 2025. Learn more about the REAL ID Extension.​

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