Bibliometrics and Research Assessment Symposium
Monday, October 31, 2016
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Lipsett Amphitheater and FAES Terrace, NIH Clinical Center, Building 10
The NIH Library is hosting a Bibliometrics and Research Assessment Symposium featuring two internationally-renowned keynote speakers, Ludo Waltman (Researcher, Centre for Science and Technology Studies of Leiden University, The Netherlands) and Katy Börner (Distinguished Professor of Information Science, Indiana University, Bloomington), who will discuss current trends in the fields of bibliometrics and research assessment. If you can’t attend in person, you can watch the keynote speakers online via
For more information on this program, visit:
Introducing “NIH Library Go”: A New Look for an Old Favorite 
The NIH Library staff is working behind the scenes to make sure you have the best possible access to full-text content. In October, the Library introduced NIH Library Go as a replacement for the Full-text Plus! button you may have seen when doing online research. Although the appearance and technology are new, the basic functionality is the same. NIH Library Go will still allow you to link seamlessly to full-text content and document delivery request forms as you’ve done in the past. However, the new NIH Library Go provides increased access to eBook content and Open Access publications. Look for the new NIH Library Go button when searching in PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and other NIH Library databases.
To find out more about the new NIH Library Go, please visit:
Customers Give NIH Library Information Desk Service High Rating
Every year, we ask our customers how we are doing at the NIH Library Information Desk. This year, the “Overall satisfaction” rating for service received was 92%. The same percentage of respondents indicated that they would be “Very likely” to recommend the service, and elaborated with such comments as:
- “Staff was enthusiastic in addressing my need and very helpful.”
- “The Information Desk staff have always been uniformly excellent.”
- “Very friendly. Helped me without even needing to be asked.”
For more details on the survey results, visit: