Virtual Research Resources from the NIH Library

The NIH Library is here to help you—online—with your virtual information and research needs. Check out the extensive set of NIH Library service and resources that are available online. Click the links below for more information.

Remote access note: NIH staff can access these resources directly through the links below or via the NIH Library website while working on the VPN. The resources can also be accessed without being on the VPN by going through the Library's remote access page and using your NIH PIV card and/or credentials. Eligible HHS employees should connect through the remote access page, following the appropriate link for their organization.


  • Ask A Question: ask us for assistance with your information questions
  • Document Delivery: get articles, books, and documents from our collection or from other libraries around the world if those items are not held by the NIH Library 
  • Editing: get light and medium manuscript editing, assistance with preparing your manuscript for peer review, and fee-based substantive editing work
  • Find Your Librarian: get personalized information and research assistance—each Institute or Center has their own dedicated informationist or specialized librarian
  • Get Help: request materials, suggest resources, get editing assistance, schedule a bioinformatics consultation, and more
  • Literature Searches: get help with developing and conducting a thorough, systematic, search of the literature for your topic, including high-impact journals in the related field, gray literature, personal communications, and books
  • Protocol Support: get assistance with developing search techniques and identifying appropriate resources for developing the literature and research components of your protocol development and scientific review
  • Systematic Reviews: get help with every step of your systematic review, including research question development, searching, screening, data abstraction, and manuscript writing and editing
  • Translations: request written and oral translations of materials in support of employment and/or research; translations for languages not offered in-house are available as a fee-based service 


  • NIH Library eBook Search: extend your research with our collection of 160,000+ scholarly eBooks
  • OverDrive: download and enjoy popular science ebooks and audiobooks on your computer or your personal device


  • NIH Library Database Search: search 50+ reference databases
  • Micromedex: access information about drug information, toxicology, diseases, acute care, and alternative medicine
  • PubMed @ NIH: use this link to search PubMed and get direct access to articles that the NIH Library subscribes to, or the ability to request articles the Library does not have by clicking the "NIH Library Go" button
  • Scopus: explore this extensive abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings
  • UpToDate: use this clinical decision resource, either online or on your mobile device, to stay abreast of clinical information and standards and to make point-of-care decisions
  • Web of Science: search this comprehensive scientific indexing database comprising citations from research literature published in journals, conference proceedings, symposia, and seminars


  • NIH Library Journal Search: explore the NIH Library collection of 12,000+ current and historical journals, most with complete archives
  • BrowZine: turn your mobile device (app download) or computer (desktop interface) into a personalized, portable journal bookshelf of your favorite NIH Library research journals
  • Featured Journals: access articles from the NIH Library's most frequently used journals

Reference Management

  • EndNote: download the EndNote application for free from the NIH Library to manage your bibliographic references

Training Classes

  • Training Calendar: the NIH Library Training Program is a premier provider of information and data management training for the NIH intramural research community. Classes are free, available to NIH and select HHS staff, and are currently being offered entirely online via WebEx.

Contact us today and let us know how we can help you with your online information and research needs. To see the full range of virtual services and online resources, explore the NIH Library website.

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The NIH Library



On December 5, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security announced an extension of the REAL ID full enforcement deadline to May 7, 2025. Learn more about the REAL ID Extension.​

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