There are training needs that must be met, even for students who might only indirectly be in contact with radioactive materials. Minors (those under age 18) are held to stricter radiation control limits than are adults, and training can go a long way to reassuring and familiarizing a student to the concept of radiation protection. Therefore, specific guidance aimed at minors working in posted radiation use labs are described at this link: There are training needs specified for minors whether they intend to be a radiation or a non-radiation worker.
This is also a useful time to remind everyone that all radioactive material is held to a physical security requirement. Radioactive material (including source vials, sealed sources, and radioactive waste) must be kept within a locked lab, unless an individual is actively present in the lab. Leaving a lab unattended, even for a short time, can and will result in a security violation being cited to the Authorized User. Even stricter controls are mandated for source vials: when not in active use, these must be stored in a locked unit (refrigerator, freezer, cabinet). It is NOT enough to simply have the lab door locked. These security requirements are mandated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and more information can be found here:
Thank you to everyone supporting the safe and secure use of radioactive material and radiation at the NIH! Contact your area health physicist at 301-496-5774 if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to support the research mission of the Intramural Research Program.