Publish with Confidence: New Publication Consultation Service from the NIH Library
Are you looking for help with publishing your manuscript or enhancing the visibility of your research output? The NIH Library's new Publication Consultation Service can assist intramural researchers with journal selection, Open Access (OA) publishing, interpreting publisher guidelines, author profile management (e.g., ORCID iD, Scopus author profiles, Web of Science researcher profiles), preprints, copyright questions, funder publication mandates, and more:
Journal Selection Consultation
NIH Library staff can provide assistance using tools such as Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Cabells Journalytics Medicine, and more to help you select high-quality journals in your field. We can also help you to use tools such as Think.Check.Submit to assist with the selection of trusted publishers.
Open Access (OA) Publishing Guidance
There are now more publishing options than ever before. NIH Library staff can help you to assess OA publishing options and determine whether publishing in an OA format is the right choice for your research. We can also provide assistance with questions related to potential Article Processing Charges (APC) and funding options.
Author Profile Audit Reports
Algorithmically generated author profiles such as those found in Scopus and Web of Science and manually created profiles such as ORCID iD can be used to enhance the visibility of your research output. But many author profile systems are built on evolving platforms and therefore the process of curating or making edits to your profile can be complicated. The NIH Library can review your author profiles in a variety of systems and compile a report with recommended updates.
Author Profile Audit Report Policies
NIH authors are permitted one audit report per calendar year. Audit reports include system specific findings and instructions for making profile changes and updates. The NIH Library is unable to make profile changes on behalf of an author but can provide guidance to help maximize the visibility of research outputs.
To get started with any of these services submit a request via the NIH Library Tutorial/Consultation request form and select “Publication Consultation Services" under “Type of Consultation/Tutorial."
For additional information, contact Sara Hoover, Scholarly Communications Librarian, at For additional information, contact Sara Hoover, Scholarly Communications Librarian, at If you want to get to know Sara and learn more about the service, check out her short introductory video!
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