The NIH Library provides access to a wealth of online information resources to help NIH staff conduct research more effectively and efficiently:
- Journals – desktop/bench access to 14,000 scholarly journals, most back to volume 1
- eBooks – more than 130,000 scholarly eBooks, online and fully searchable
- Databases – 50 searchable reference databases, including Micromedex, UpToDate, PubMed@NIH, Scopus, and Web of Science
You can find all of these and more through the
Resources page on the
NIH Library website. Below are two databases that could be useful to you. Please contact the NIH Library to learn more about all other resources.
Explore funding opportunities, create researcher profiles, and receive grant recommendations with
GrantForward, a database made available to NIH staff by the NIH Library.
GrantForward constantly updates their database of sponsors and funding opportunities, allowing thousands of grant opportunities to be gathered from over 9,000 US sponsors. Every grant opportunity is analyzed and then verified by their team of specialists to ensure accuracy.
GrantForward also allows you to do more than just search for grants. With a researcher profile, you can receive grant recommendations related to your field and research interests.
You can start using
GrantForward today through the NIH Library subscription. You must be on the NIH network to access this database. You can also
register for a free account if you want to use the full complement of features.
Natural Medicines
The Natural Medicines database provides comprehensive information on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies. This recently enhanced product provides the best features and functionality from the Natural Standard research collaboration and the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, and includes the following clinical features:
- Database of over 90,000+ commercial dietary supplement products that are rated using an evidence-based assessment system
- Interaction Checker that can be used to explore interactions between all drugs and 90,000+ commercial dietary supplements and natural ingredients
- Effectiveness Checker that allows a quick comparison of the effectiveness of different natural medicines for a specific condition
- Pregnancy and Lactation Checker to help determine what natural medicines are safe and which to avoid for pregnant or breastfeeding women
- Adverse Effects Checker which shows which natural medicines have the potential to cause specific adverse effects
- Natural MedWatch which provides adverse event reporting service at the point of care, allowing for quick submission of adverse event reports

Visit the Natural Medicines database to explore these features, and many more, today.
For questions about these databases, or any of the NIH Library's information resources: 301-496-1080 or