Improved 3D Printing Service at the NIH Library!

The NIH Library has a new 3D printer! The new Stratasys F270 significantly expands the Library's 3D printing capacity, making it faster and easier for NIH staff to bring work-related 3D print projects to life. Example projects include laboratory equipment, anatomical and molecular structure models, prototypes and more. There is no cost to print, but the project must support NIH work or research.


Print Your 3D Model

If you already have a 3D model and are ready to print it, submit a request online. Our staff will contact you and help you complete your project. Most 3D prints can be completed within a week.


Designing Your 3D Model

Do you need guidance on getting started or would you like assistance with your 3D model? NIH Library staff are available to help you develop and troubleshoot 3D models before and during printing. Contact us to request a consultation.


More Information

Looking for additional resources? We provide information and software to support you with every step of your 3D printing project.


  • 3D Modeling Resources
    Websites and information to help you create your own 3D models or find existing ones to download.
  • Workstations with 3D Modeling Software (reservation required)

    Computer workstations in the NIH Library are loaded with software that can be used to design and edit 3D models. Reserve one to use virtually or in person at the NIH Library in Building 10.
  • Video
    A short NIH Library-produced video showcasing 3D prints made at the Library. Please note that color was applied to the models, using acrylic paint, AFTER the prints were made.


The NIH Library's 3D Printing Service was a highlight of the NIH Take Your Child to Work Day event on April 27, 2023. Over 260 people came through the NIH Library for the 3D printing tour, where they learned about how this service is used by NIH staff to create lab equipment and other materials to help them further their research.

NIH Library 3D Printing expert Charles King gives a tour to enthusiastic children (and their parents) during Take Your Child to Work Day on April 27, 2023.

The NIH Library's 3D Printing expert Charles King gives a tour of the printing service to enthusiastic children and their parents during the Take Your Child to Work Day event on April 27, 2023.

For more information about the NIH Library 3D Printing Service, contact Charles King,

​About Our 3D Printers

The NIH Library has two 3D printers: the new Stratasys F270, and the uPrint SE Plus. Both printers use fused deposition modeling (FDM) technology and feature dissolvable supports that are melted away after printing.


On December 5, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security announced an extension of the REAL ID full enforcement deadline to May 7, 2025. Learn more about the REAL ID Extension.​

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