2015 Foil the Flu Schedule
If getting sick will trouble you, then get the shot, and foil the flu!
The Office of Research Services and the Clinical Center will provide free flu shots to staff with a valid NIH identification badge from September 21 through November 5.
The best way to reduce the risk of getting the flu is to get the flu shot every year. By getting the flu shot, people can also reduce the risk of exposing patients to the virus. All staff who have patient contact, including both employees and contractors, are required to get the flu vaccine each year. For all other NIH staff, immunizations are available but not required.
Opening early in the morning, the Flu Clinic will be located on the east side of the 7th floor of the Clinical Research Center. Employees intending to receive a flu shot must wear clothing that does not restrict access to the upper arm. Changing areas will not be available.
Starting October 5, there will also be off-campus sites providing free flu shots. Shady Grove, Bayview, Poolesville, Neuroscience Center, Fishers Lane, and Rockledge locations are included on the schedule.
Staff age 65 and older can receive a higher dose vaccine. The NIH ordered both high-dose and the regular quadrivalent vaccines for all flu shot sites.
To learn more about the high-dose flu shot, visit http://go.usa.gov/PAUY. For more information about the availability and to find locations, visit foiltheflu.nih.gov or call (301) 496-2209.